adopt an integrated multichannel approach to communication There has been a great deal of talk over recent years about the death of free to air television, television that depends for its income on the sale of advertising. Certainly, television advertising is not what it used to be, and expenditure on television advertising is in decline. […]
adopt an integrated multichannel approach to communication There has been a great deal of talk over recent years about the death of free to air television, television that depends for its income on the sale of advertising. Certainly, television advertising is not what it used to be, and expenditure on television advertising is in decline. This might be, at least in part, explained by the rapid growth of Facebook and Google, who between them now control 50% of the world’s advertising – offering superior targeting, lower cost per view, and far better accountability. In addition to this, there research suggests that the impact of television advertising is in decline. Studies cited by Martin Lindstrom found that: In 1965, recall of television advertising was running at 34% In 2007, recall of television advertising was running at 2.2% Lindstrom cites two contributing factors for the decline in recall: By age 30, consumers…