58% use e-commerce because it is easier Once a potential purchaser has identified the product that might satisfy their need or solve their problem, they process the available information and draw conclusions. The next step in the process is usually the purchase. However, even when the decision is made, the work of the vendor is […]
58% use e-commerce because it is easier Once a potential purchaser has identified the product that might satisfy their need or solve their problem, they process the available information and draw conclusions. The next step in the process is usually the purchase. However, even when the decision is made, the work of the vendor is not done. Critical issues at this stage include: Availability Access Ease of purchase In my experience, these are issues which many vendors fail to address. How often do you decide to make a purchase, go to the vendor and find that no one is available to help or the product is not in stock? How often can you be bothered to wait and/or place the product on backorder? How likely are you to just walk away and purchase an alternative? In my case, the answer to this last question is every time. If vendors are…