69.57% average abandonment rate While consumers will compare online vendors on price, the principal reason for shopping online is convenience. In most cases, online shopping is easier and more convenient than getting into the car, driving to the shop, finding a park, fighting your way through the crowd and then dealing with a shop assistant […]
69.57% average abandonment rate While consumers will compare online vendors on price, the principal reason for shopping online is convenience. In most cases, online shopping is easier and more convenient than getting into the car, driving to the shop, finding a park, fighting your way through the crowd and then dealing with a shop assistant who is less than accommodating. The fact is, while consumers want to buy, most want to do so with the least possible effort.A 2019 study found that the average shopping cart abandonment rate is 69.57%. That is, nearly two-thirds of consumers who find the site, sift through the products, consider the pricing and then place the item in the cart – do not make a purchase. The main reasons for this were: High delivery costs – 50% The site required the opening of an account – 28% The check out process is too long –…