there are things much more important than price A survey of American retailers in December 2016, looked at factors believed to be most important in maximising sales at Christmas. The two factors most frequently cited were: new products – 34% customer service – 24% Price was not in the top two factors identified by retailers. […]
there are things much more important than price A survey of American retailers in December 2016, looked at factors believed to be most important in maximising sales at Christmas. The two factors most frequently cited were: new products – 34% customer service – 24% Price was not in the top two factors identified by retailers. This finding has been replicated in research addressing both offline and online environments. Research has shattered the myth that consumers shop online because of lower prices. In Australia, the two most important reasons for shopping online are: range (product) convenience (service) Two of the businesses I respect most in the world are: Tesla Zara Neither of these has an advertising budget. Both have developed into leaders in their respective industries without constant discounting. Both offer great products tailored to their market. Price may be important, but it only becomes important when products are comparable. The…