put in place metrics to understand your culture This is the ninth in a series of ten articles addressing the brand – culture continuum, the direct and inevitable link between a business’s brand and its culture. The brand reflects the culture, and the culture determines the brand. Culture, not advertising, creates a sustainable brand. A […]
put in place metrics to understand your culture This is the ninth in a series of ten articles addressing the brand – culture continuum, the direct and inevitable link between a business’s brand and its culture. The brand reflects the culture, and the culture determines the brand. Culture, not advertising, creates a sustainable brand. A study by Spencer Stuart found that 83% of executives viewed organisational culture as very influential in the way their teams work, the outcomes they deliver, and, ultimately, branding. An article by Greg Besner in Entrepreneur highlights the importance of monitoring organisational culture and notes 10 factors that need to be monitored: communication between leaders and employees the capacity and potential for innovation agility and the capacity to remain competitive the mental and physical health of employees the effectiveness of the work environment the propensity and ability to collaborate the level of employee support responsibility and…