After a month of procrastinating I went to a central city OPSM store recently to have my eye tested. I felt that my glasses might need an upgrade, and as it turned out, I was right. What is more, I am entirely happy with the glasses I purchased and am now wearing the type this […]
After a month of procrastinating I went to a central city OPSM store recently to have my eye tested. I felt that my glasses might need an upgrade, and as it turned out, I was right. What is more, I am entirely happy with the glasses I purchased and am now wearing the type this blog article. Whilst, I thought they were expensive given what I understand to be the staggering margins in the optical industry they do the job well. What surprised me is that OPSM seemed to think that the product was the glasses and nothing more, when the fact is, given the discount glass wear available from the likes of SPECSAVERS, OPSM needs to offer a lot more than improved reading ability. When I went to the store the first time, I was kept waiting for an unacceptable period of time. When I raised the matter with…