I ALWAYS THINK TWICE WHEN A BUSINESS LISTS ITS VALUES ON ITS WEBSITE – 5 QUESTIONS There is no reason why a business should not list its values on its website, but when they do, I often find myself asking why. Is it because they need to point them out because they are not evident from ...
THE TREND TOWARDS E-COMMERCE HAS JUST BEGUN – 3 OBSERVATIONS Around the world, the penetration of online retailing ranges from 6 – 20% of total retailing, depending on the country. It is highest in countries like China with less bricks and mortar infrastructure, and lowest in countries like Australia with established infrastructure. In Australia, online retailing represents between ...
IT IS NOT JUST THE BANKS – 4 QUESTIONS In the media during the week John Hewson, past Liberal and opposition leader suggested that the problem with the banking system in Australia and overseas is the remuneration system – largely based on commissions and incentives. I agree with him. Recent issues with superannuation funds managed by the banks ...
USING ETHICS AS A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE – 3 OBSERVATIONS We can blame the media if you like, and I have little doubt that they have played a role – as have many other businesses – but the fact is, trust levels for businesses are at an all-time low. Politicians are one of the few groups trusted ...
CONSUMERS NEED TO STAND UP IF GOVERNMENTS WILL NOT – 4 QUESTIONS I have heard many times the argument that if something is legal – it must be acceptable to advertise it. I disagree emphatically!! I believe in the rights of people to access what they want so long as it does not threaten the safety and ...