MOST OF US ARE MORE DISCONNECTED THAN WE HAVE EVER BEEN Having written an article previously about how connected we all are – please indulge me by answering the following questions: • When is the last time a service attendant filling your car with petrol engaged you in conversation? • When is the last time you felt connected ...
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A MULTI-CHANNEL SHOPPER There is so much talk these days about multi-channel shopping and multi-channel shoppers. I would and will argue that while multi-channel shopping is important, there is no such thing as a multi-channel shopper. Indeed, I will argue that offering a multi-channel option is made all the more important ...
INCEASINGLY CONSUMERS ARE NOT BELIEVING WHAT MARKETERS ARE SAYING Someone once said that if an advertisement says something is incredible – it probably is. What is more, research shows that this is an increasingly common view among consumers. Research consistently demonstrates that consumers have become highly sceptical of marketing messages – almost regardless of the message. Indeed, ...
ABBOTT MAY NOT HAVE BEEN CONCERNED ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE – BUT Y GEN’S ARE. Like many Australians it would seem I was glad to see the back of Tony Abbott. One of the MANY things that offended me most about Tony was his denial of climate change and his support for the dirty coal industry. As it ...
CONSUMERS ARE MORE CONNECTED WITH COMMUNITY THAN EVER The nature of communication and community is changing. I was involved in a conversation recently in which the other party was lamenting what he considered the death of communication. He cited his observation, that when he is at the station each morning, rather communicating, most people are on their ...