RESEARCH SUPPORTS SOME VERY POPULAR PRICING STRATEGIES This is the fifth of five articles in THE REPORT this week on the subject of pricing – considering strategies for maximising margins in the short, medium and long terms. We are all familiar with the pricing strategy involving the number ‘9’. There has long been a view that a ...
NO WHERE NEAR ENOUGH THOUGH IS GIVEN TO DEVELOPING STRATEGIC APPROACHES TO PRICE This is the fourth of five articles in THE REPORT this week on the subject of pricing – considering strategies for maximising margins in the short, medium and long terms. There are a range of strategies that can be used to achieve an optimum ...
BUILD PRICING AROUND THE TANGIBLE VALUE CREATED AROUND A PRODUCT OR SERVICE. This is the third of five articles in THE REPORT this week on the subject of pricing – considering strategies for maximising margins in the short, medium and long terms. No consumer spends his or her hard earned cash without a perception of the value ...
PRICE IS TOO IMPORTANT TO ADDRESS TACTICALLY This is the second of five articles in THE REPORT this week on the subject of pricing – considering strategies for maximising margins in the short, medium and long terms. The marketing strategy needs to incorporate a pricing strategy addressing achievement of the optimum price – with the optimum pricing ...
MANY OF THE ASSUMPTIONS BUSINESS MAKE ABOUT PRICE ARE TOO SIMPLISTIC This is the first of five articles in THE REPORT this week on the subject pf pricing and looking at strategies for maximising margins in the short, medium and long terms. It seems to be the default position for many businesses that their market is price ...