ESTABLISHING CONSISTENCY CAN DELIVER SIGNIFICANT BEHAVIOUR CHANGE Two groups of people in the USA were asked to erect a road safety sign in their front garden. The first group was simply asked to help the cause by placing the large sign in the desired place. The same request was made of a second group who had ...
AUTHORITIES – IF RELEVANT – CAN BE VERY PERSUASIVE IN MANAGING BEHAVIOUR A study in the US found that following the launch of a new product or service there are three categories of potential purchasers: Leaders –2% Early adopters – 18% Followers – 80% The fact is of course even the early adopters are in reality followers. ...
SCARCITY CAN BE A VERY EFFECTIVE TOOL IN MANAGING CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR I recently started booking hotel rooms on Expedia. It is one of a number of very useful hotel booking services. In my experience it is about the best of them. Like its competitors it tried to create a sense of urgency by indication that a particular ...
RECIPROSITY USED WELL CAN SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE RETURNS In a series of studies carried out in restaurants in the United States it was found that when a customer was offered: A complimentary mint with the bill, there was a 3% increase in the average tip. Two complimentary mints with the bill, there was a 14% increase in ...
CONSUMER WILL BUY MORE FROM PEOPLE THAT THEY TRUST In the wake of the controversy surrounding the travel behaviour of Speaker Bronwyn Bishop the percentage of people who trust politicians has fallen to an all time low of 25%. This controversy aside, politicians have for many years attracted a low level of trust. Like many people I ...