3 recommendations for writers and strategists I used to write long blog articles with as many points as possible. I now limit myself to 400 words – or less – and try to make 3 strong points. I used to make speeches that contained as much information as possible until I realised that three points is about ...
3 simple strategies Research has shown that around the world, marketing expenditure increases in tougher economic environments. The opposite is the case in Australia. While the Australian approach is often short sighted, there are ways of reducing marketing costs, or at least minimising them that make sense, particularly in Australia. Three ways of reducing marketing costs, all too ...
3 insights for all businesses Discussions about the importance abound. This is understandable given the importance of the issue for all businesses. Few things impact more on: Sales Repeat business Referrals While most often discussed in the context of bricks and mortar retailing, customer experience is important for all businesses online and offline. I would argue however that ...
3 ingredients for marketing success While clubs like Rotary and Lions are clearly in decline this reflects neither a lack of social consciousness nor a lack of the need to belong. The facts are - social consciousness among generations X and Y have been found to be higher than for baby boomers and belonging through social ...
3 way of thinking – drawing on Robinson, de Bono and Godin. Human beings, including business people, are emotional beings. We all are. What is more, our emotions are hindering effective decision making. A 55 year old living in Australia who is thinking rationally would not go out and buy a Ferrari. That is not to say ...