THINKING AND ACTING STRATEGICALLY WILL INCREASE ROI – 3 OBSERVATIONS Over the last 30 years, I have advised organisations of all shapes and sizes. During that time have seen many millions of dollars wasted on marketing. Few things have contributed more to this waste, and the resulting diminished return on investment, than a lack of […]
THINKING AND ACTING STRATEGICALLY WILL INCREASE ROI – 3 OBSERVATIONS Over the last 30 years, I have advised organisations of all shapes and sizes. During that time have seen many millions of dollars wasted on marketing. Few things have contributed more to this waste, and the resulting diminished return on investment, than a lack of strategic thinking. In my experience, all too many marketing decisions are: Reactive and not strategic Intuitive and not strategic Tactical and not strategic Further, in my experience, reactive, intuitive and tactical decision making is fraught with danger. Certainly, reactive, intuitive and tactical decision making encourages waste and reduces the capacity of maximising return on investment in marketing. Strategic thinking, on the other hand, is more likely to lead to strategic cost savings and an enhanced capacity to maximise return on investment in marketing by, among other things: Providing clear direction Increasing consistency Increasing co-ordination Guiding…