3 lessons from JEEP I occasionally watch the CHECK OUT on ABC on a Thursday evening. I can recommend it. Here is a link to the first episode of the current series – http://www.abc.net.au/tv/thecheckout/episodes/s03ep01.htm The item I am interested is that referring to JEEP. I would argue that it is very damaging to the JEEP […]
3 lessons from JEEP I occasionally watch the CHECK OUT on ABC on a Thursday evening. I can recommend it. Here is a link to the first episode of the current series – http://www.abc.net.au/tv/thecheckout/episodes/s03ep01.htm The item I am interested is that referring to JEEP. I would argue that it is very damaging to the JEEP brand in Australia and would be even more damaging were it not for the pow ratings of this programme. Indeed, the skit is so damaging, I am surprised that the ABCs lawyers allowed it to go to air. They must have thought that all the claims made can be proven. I would argue that JEEP, a huge television advertiser, has successfully allowed a large percentage of its investment in the JEEP brand and a proportion of their advertising in Australia to be burned or wasted. I would argue that JEEP has failed to: Address what…