BEING TRUSTWORTHY IS NEVER ENOUGH – 3 OBSERVATIONS Whether we are discussing an individual or a business – being trustworthy is important, but it is never enough. It is only a start – important, but just a start. Every purchase ever made, every relationship ever established, and every referral ever provided was based not on […]
BEING TRUSTWORTHY IS NEVER ENOUGH – 3 OBSERVATIONS Whether we are discussing an individual or a business – being trustworthy is important, but it is never enough. It is only a start – important, but just a start. Every purchase ever made, every relationship ever established, and every referral ever provided was based not on reality, but rather on perception. Even when the reality and the perception are as one – it remains the perception that influences the behaviour. The reality simply influences the behaviour. In 2016, there is a range of other factors that influences perception including: what other people say. In this regard, social media is essential in terms of creating the perception of trust, demonstrating trust, and defending that trust. With this in mind, your social media strategy and resources devoted to social media are critical. The strategy must give due consideration to demonstrating the trustworthiness of…