kill your business over the phone

WHEN SAVING MONEY CAN BE VERY EXPENSIVE – 3 OBSERVATIONS I hate the telephone, and this should be born in mind in reading this missive. I use it reluctantly and only as a matter of necessity. That said, I can think of few tools that can be more potent in making or breaking a business […]

WHEN SAVING MONEY CAN BE VERY EXPENSIVE – 3 OBSERVATIONS I hate the telephone, and this should be born in mind in reading this missive. I use it reluctantly and only as a matter of necessity. That said, I can think of few tools that can be more potent in making or breaking a business – especially given that the telephone is often the first point of contact with a business. Consider the last time you experienced: the telephone ringing out the receptionist not being welcoming the receptionist not being able to help Consider the last time you experienced: phoning a 1300 number and being passed from pillar to post while trying to get to the right person having to explain yourself time and time again to different people as you seek help being kept on hold and being subjected to a recorded message as the business exploits the opportunity…

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Five Tips For Reducing
The Cost Of Branding.

Burning money on branding is more common than most marketers think. Because few businesses truly understand what a brand is and how branding works, advertising agencies, branding agencies and design studios have become expert at spending their client’s money without effective accountability.

Burning money on branding is more common than most marketers think. Because few businesses truly understand what a brand is and how branding works, advertising agencies, branding agencies and design studios have become expert at spending their client’s money without effective accountability.

1. Get out of the boardroom.

Perhaps the two most concerning issues about branding are the lack of understanding about what brand and branding are and the propensity to develop brands in the boardroom, perhaps with the help of a consultant.....