THE MOST MOBILE CREATURES ON EARTH ARE INCREASINGLY SO – 3 OBSERVATIONS One of the main features that distinguish animals from plants is mobility. Plants are not mobile. – and humans are perhaps the most mobile animals on earth. What is more, humans are becoming increasingly mobile – and they are taking this mobility for […]
THE MOST MOBILE CREATURES ON EARTH ARE INCREASINGLY SO – 3 OBSERVATIONS One of the main features that distinguish animals from plants is mobility. Plants are not mobile. – and humans are perhaps the most mobile animals on earth. What is more, humans are becoming increasingly mobile – and they are taking this mobility for granted. Mobility is certainly an expectation of people living in ‘western countries’. Not only do we expect to be able to go where we want when we want, but we expect access to many of the same things where ever we are in the world. Certainly we expect to be able to communicate with whom- ever we want and buy whatever we want almost regardless of our location. As a result humans are more dependent on mobile devices including smart phones and tablets than any one might have imagined 10 years ago. Consider the following:…