There are 5 main chemicals in the human body that act as neurological transmitter. They are: Dopamine – which makes us feel good when we eat or use drugs Endorphins – which make us feel good when we exercise Acetylcholine – which makes us feel good when we have sex Oxytocin – which makes us […]
There are 5 main chemicals in the human body that act as neurological transmitter. They are: Dopamine – which makes us feel good when we eat or use drugs Endorphins – which make us feel good when we exercise Acetylcholine – which makes us feel good when we have sex Oxytocin – which makes us feel good when we learn and grow Serotonin – which makes us feel good when we engage with people Of course, it is not quite this simple. There are other neurotransmitters, often by-products of these 5 and most of these neuro transmitters have multiple functions. The point is however – neuro transmitters make us feel good and we cannot feel good without them. They are necessary for us to feel good Serotonin is necessary for us to feel good about an engagement with another human being. As such, without serotonin we will not feel good…