CUTTING THROUGH THE BULLSHIT – 6 For a number of years now consultants have been telling us how complex social media is. But is it really that complex? Of course not! On a personal level social media involves nothing more or less than replacing the coffee table or bar with a laptop or mobile device. […]
CUTTING THROUGH THE BULLSHIT – 6 For a number of years now consultants have been telling us how complex social media is. But is it really that complex? Of course not! On a personal level social media involves nothing more or less than replacing the coffee table or bar with a laptop or mobile device. Certainly it is important to choose the right channels and certainly each channel has its own characteristics and opportunities, but the coffee table analogy remains valid. The real skills in social media revolve around communicating in a manner consistent with the achievement of your objectives and that differs not between the coffee table and the laptop The real skills are in communication The conventions that apply over the coffee table apply on line. The things you should not say online are the same things you should not say over the coffee table. Perhaps to only…