ARE WE AS BAD AS THEY ARE? We all know of businesses we believe had behaved unethically – perhaps VW misleading authorities on fuel emissions or Optus engaging in false advertising or the Commonwealth Bank behaving badly on Super or Coles screwing suppliers. Most of us have deal with businesses that have behaved unethically – […]
ARE WE AS BAD AS THEY ARE? We all know of businesses we believe had behaved unethically – perhaps VW misleading authorities on fuel emissions or Optus engaging in false advertising or the Commonwealth Bank behaving badly on Super or Coles screwing suppliers. Most of us have deal with businesses that have behaved unethically – buying a VW – Scoda – Porche – Audi, using cheaper Optus internet services, using a Commonwealth Bank ATM or buying the crumpets at Coles. Why this contradiction? Why do we deal with businesses we view as unethical? Are we as bad as they are? Do we not care about ethics? Are we just lazy? Do we think it will not make a difference what we do? Do we think they are all as bad as each other – and if so – what does this say about the world we live in?