9 – 15 recounted a bad experience ‘Research suggests that dissatisfied customers tell between 9 and 15 people about their bad customer experience. Some tell as many as 20 people. The first thing that a business must surely want to control when a message goes viral is that the content is complementary to the achievement […]
9 – 15 recounted a bad experience ‘Research suggests that dissatisfied customers tell between 9 and 15 people about their bad customer experience. Some tell as many as 20 people. The first thing that a business must surely want to control when a message goes viral is that the content is complementary to the achievement of their objectives – true and positive. This hurdle is easier to achieve when the business controls the content of the message as in blog posts or email. Although, even blog posts have the potential for unfavourable comments. One of the advantages of online viral marketing is that its efficacy can be tracked more easily than offline word of mouth – the measurement of which tends to rely on reporting through research. In the case of online communication, it is very simple to track ‘likes’, ‘shares’ and comments. Likes, shares and comments are all important.…