you are not sincere enough for me

EVERYONE APPRECIATES SINCERE APPRECIATION This weeks THE REPORT addresses 5 issues pertinent to offering the service customers demand. Thank you is an important word. Unfortunately it is not said often enough or with the sincerity required. How often have you completed a transaction as a customer and not have the representative of the business thank […]

EVERYONE APPRECIATES SINCERE APPRECIATION This weeks THE REPORT addresses 5 issues pertinent to offering the service customers demand. Thank you is an important word. Unfortunately it is not said often enough or with the sincerity required. How often have you completed a transaction as a customer and not have the representative of the business thank you for your custom? Often I am sure – although perhaps less often than might have once been the case. What is a lot rarer than saying thank you is the failure to say it with sincerity and demonstrate it  by way of behaviour – for example shaking hands warmly. Again this gets back to the basic human need to feel significant. If you want to maximise the likelihood that a customer will come back or refer – they need to be made to feel significant. This in turn involves making them feel that their…

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Five Tips For Reducing
The Cost Of Branding.

Burning money on branding is more common than most marketers think. Because few businesses truly understand what a brand is and how branding works, advertising agencies, branding agencies and design studios have become expert at spending their client’s money without effective accountability.

Burning money on branding is more common than most marketers think. Because few businesses truly understand what a brand is and how branding works, advertising agencies, branding agencies and design studios have become expert at spending their client’s money without effective accountability.

1. Get out of the boardroom.

Perhaps the two most concerning issues about branding are the lack of understanding about what brand and branding are and the propensity to develop brands in the boardroom, perhaps with the help of a consultant.....